Hello new website!


Squeee ... isn't this exciting? I'm so in LOVE with my new updated site! I've had three totally crazy days and all I want to do is sit down and write and now I finally can.

So, I've been using a Squarespace blog for a couple of years and I've really enjoyed how everything works on the back end, plus the customer support is awesome and I love the simplicity of their templates. It seems they are always adding functionality and improving the UI, so back in October-ish, when I discovered Kerstin Martin—a Squarespace web designer (on Instagram) I said to myself, "Hey, yeah ... how fun would it be to spiff things up and then maybe be able to teach a class right here, on my own site?!" I reached out to Kerstin and well here we are. 

I've learned a ton and I have much to learn—this is exciting right? I am also (once again) scrambling to finish content. I've done that for years at Big Picture Classes, so it feels like an old friend has come to stay. Currently, I am using every extra moment to work on a FREE eCourse called The Principles of Photo Freedom—because my goal is to eventually be teaching a refreshed version of Finding Photo Freedom (formerly Library of Memories). In the meantime, there is much to explore, like new, improved galleries for photos and scrapbook pages, and even videos (scroll all the way down!) that I've finally gathered up and put in one place. Of course my blog has been prettied up and given a cleaner format—I'm still working on editing older blog posts so they will work, but it's all coming along quite nicely. You can subscribe to my blog posts and what will likely prove to be an infrequent newsletter on the sidebar of any blog post.  You simply enter your email address. As always, you can leave blog comments and I will be notified via email, but I now also have a content form, so if you have a specific question that doesn't relate to something I've written, you can easily ASK :) and I will be able to easily reply. 

I've probably forgotten something, but mostly I just wanted to say HELLO and thanks for reading. 


stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.


Fill-in-the-Blank Candy Valentine


A Good Reminder for the New Year