Worst Lawyer Ever Remake

Honestly, this post is just for me. I was scrolling through my vimeo library recently, looking for something when I bumped into an ADORABLE video that Taft created with Addie and some of their cousins last summer. It is a remake of a Studio C sketch and—I know I’m the mom, but—I think it’s equally as hilarious as the original version, if not more so.

So, just to be sure I do not expect anyone to watch, but I needed to have both versions archived for my well being and future family laughs!

The original.

The remake staring Brooklyn, Cache and Tatum Dowdle with Addie Julian. Be sure to stick around for the bloopers!

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.


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