RootsTech Connect

I am over the MOON to announce that I will be teaching at RootsTech in 2021.

I have absolutely LOVED attending this phenomenal conference for more than 5 years now. I’ve had the incredible opportunity to teach in person for several of those years AND next February, I will be teaching again—in a whole NEW way—because RootsTech is going online with a massive, global reach. There are already 140,000 people registered!

😳 When I say phenomenal conference I mean phenomenally BIG conference.

When RootsTech is held in Salt Lake City, UT they provide inspiration and education for 15, 000 to 20,000 attendees, so it makes sense that taking their expertise to a virtual venue would indeed result in this kind of response.

I’ll be teaching an introductory class/presentation on celebrating life’s milestones and I’m already buzzing with ideas—this is good because my first deadline is fast approaching!

But, I want to make sure you know—not only about me teaching—but about the chance you have to experience RootsTech in 2021 ONLINE. This experience is 100% FREE (thanks to incredible sponsors) and truly has something for everyone.

Watch this video and then get yourself registered by clicking HERE.


Yesterday, RootsTech Connect announced the first round of keynote speakers and I’m super jazzed about hearing from these amazing people as well. The keynote presentations have been my favorite aspect of RootsTech in the past and I think this will continue to be the case!

Once you get registered, let me know by leaving a comment below 🌳❤️

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

A RED-letter Christmas 🎅🏼


My Chase is 26 🥳 TODAY!