2 NEW Things!


Guess what? I have 2 NEW things to share with you that I’ve been working on.

ONE. My Podcast

Seriously? YEP.
It’s BRAND NEW and it’s called Exactly Enough Time.
I am mostly excited and a little nervous. I think this is to be expected. Anytime you try something new—especially if it involves a degree of self expression you can count on feelings of vulnerability, right? But,I’m pushing through this by sharing this news with those that feel safe—my blog readers!

You can listen and subscribe on iTunes and in a few days it will hopefully be available on Google Play as well.

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TWO. My FREE eCourse

I started a year ago (one whole year!) but I am finally finished. If you subscribe to my blog updates and the occasional newsletters, then you should have already been notified. This class will serve as a way to introduce anyone who is interested in my Photo Freedom philosophy to the principles that are at the foundation of everything I have taught over the years. You can learn more about The Principles of Photo Freedom, my clicking HERE, or by accessing the page in my blog menu. In this class I will walk you through the FIVE principles of Plan, Purge, Prioritize, Categorize and Share. There is an introductory video and audio messages with a variety of “homework” assignments to get you moving towards a clearer vision for what you want to do with your stash of pictures and digital images and towards a greater degree of organization that will allow you to do it.

This is your official invitation to JUMP IN with either or both of these offerings. As always, I’m grateful for any feedback. You can leave me comments, reviews or send me an email with questions or suggestions.

AND … just for FUN, I’m trying out a cool service that allows YOU to leave me what is essentially a voice mail. It doesn’t cost you anything. If you have a question or comment that you’d like me to share or address on the podcast, click on the button above and talk away! I have 30 days of a FREE trial before I have to decide if I want to pay for this on an ongoing basis. So, if you like the idea, try it out for me. Please state your name, where you live and then share your question or comment. YOU could be on the podcast with me!

And, Thank YOU in general for choosing to read my blog. I am so grateful for my online friends and I’m looking forward to building more of a community here, so that we can learn together how to be present in our lives and how to do some really fun things with SOME of our photos. Your story matters and I want to help you document it in ways that feel right and useful to you.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.


Cruise or RootsTech?


Geoff Day | February. 2019