Thirty-WONderful with Geoff

Today I sit down with my husband, Geoff to share memories and talk marriage. We celebrated 31 years on December 28th. Episode 101 is our anniversary celebration this year and we’re sharing it with YOU.

We prepared for this episode by coming up with three questions—each—and then choosing three questions (of the six) to answer. Here are the questions we had to choose from …

➡️ When did you know this was something different?

➡️ What did you get (with me) that you didn’t anticipate?

➡️ What do you want our kids to know about marriage? 

➡️ What did you imagine marriage and family would look like when you were in your early 20s and how does it compare now in your mid 50s?

➡️ We know each other better than anyone on earth, flaws and all. How have we continued to strengthen our relationship over time?

➡️ What do you want from me as your husband moving forward? What will allow you to feel supported and equally yoked in the challenges that lie ahead? 

We opened with Randy Travis, Forever and Ever, Amen

Geoff also shared some wisdom from the band, 38 Special in their hit, Hold On Loosely

As Geoff and I wrapped up, I shared the sad, but right-for-me decision to take a break from podcasting for a few weeks. I will definitely be back, in February— ready to go for another year!

🎙With this break I’m choosing to be present for my daughter as we get back into a homeschool routine and I’m putting into practice the message that we do have exactly enough time—not for everything, but for those things that are currently most important.

Thank YOU for listening. I love to hear and read your comments, questions, ideas and feedback. Specifically, I’d enjoy hearing about your favorite episodes. Which are the topics and guests that have most resonated with you? Why?

Happy New Year 🎉

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

Exactly Enough Time (the story)


The Gift of Words & Music