A NEW šŸ’” Idea

Itā€™s your lucky dayā€”not only because itā€™s March 17th, but because TODAY Iā€™m sharing with you my brand NEW idea. But first, St. Patrickā€™s Day ā€¦

šŸ€ On our menu tonight ā€¦
1. Corn Beef & carrots
2. Roasted cabbage
3. Hasselback potatoes
4. LOTS of other green food!

Everything I currently do and have done for years to celebrate St. Patrickā€™s Dayā€”ALL the fun traditionsā€”were are one point in time an idea. And idea that I read about or heard or found on Pinterest. I LOVE what ideas become.

Ideas are powerful.
Ideas change the world.

Today Iā€™m sharing FIVE things I think we ought to do with a NEW idea:

  1. PLAY with it.

  2. PROTECT itā€”but only for a time!

  3. Give it PLACE (and space) in your heart and in your life to grow.

  4. Make PLANS with it. Ask it LOTS of questions and write down the answers that come.

  5. And finally, PUBLISH it.

That last one gets us, doesnā€™t it. Publishing an idea is a practice in vulnerability and so we think and say things like, ā€œItā€™s not done yet or itā€™s too early, I need to perfect this ideaā€ and what we canā€™t understand or donā€™t fully realize is that no idea fully develops in isolation. Ideas are finished AFTER they are publicly shared. Itā€™s other people that help us progress and eventually perfect our ideas.

BIG and little ideas must be put into motion before they can make any waves! They must be exchanged with other idea-holders before they can be fully realized.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
— George Bernard Shaw

To this end, I am sharing my brand NEW idea today!

I have created a MEMBERSHIP, called Live Your Story and I want YOU to be a part of itā€”from the ground upā€”the very beginning!

Whether you are a new or longtime listener, you made your way here today and Iā€™m giving you the chance to come experience a crazy, creative, colorful community of memory makers and storytellers.

Click HERE to learn more and then use the code: LISTEN to save $20 on the monthly subscription.

Essentially, youā€™ll get April for FREE!

Together we are going to LIVE our stories, by engaging with life and by intentionally inviting the inspiration we need to organize and document the details of life and preserve who we are in beautifully simple and impactful ways.

šŸ€ And PLEASE click this link to read and copy/paste the amazing essay on the magic of ideas by Elizabeth Gilbert. Seriously ā€¦
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Lizā€™s idea about ideas is brilliant and true.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.


Live Your Story


For the LOVE ā€¦