Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Chase Day | 1.20

My adorable #2 son is back at BYU-Idaho, but he is off-track this semester. This means he can take online classes, but nothing on campus. He is working full-time for Ardent Pest Control and basically killing it. I don’t know what it is about Chase, but he just “gets” people and people love him. Honestly, I think it just comes down to being NICE. He genuinely cares for others and is interested in them. He will often send me text messages with images like the one here that shows him in the 1st position for collections. He works in customer service, but as he takes and makes calls he is naturally able to resolve concerns, answer questions and then (often) able to help a customer pay their obligation or get caught up on past-due bills.

In anticipation for Fall 2019 semester, Chase applied, interviewed and was chosen to be am I-team mentor and work with a group of other upperclass students to help carry out Get Connected, the freshman orientation at BYU-Idaho. He followed through in such a phenomenal way that when he went back to the student office to reapply for winter semester, the organizer told him he didn’t even have to apply—what a compliment! The expectation as a student mentor is that you will participate in the 2-day Get Connected activities and then check in on your assigned student group for the first few weeks of school, until new students are feeling comfortable on campus.

Not Chase. Chase goes the extra mile and builds lasting friendships with these kids—he still meets many of his fall-semester students every Tuesday for the weekly devotional and often takes them to lunch or gives them a ride somewhere. He is pictured here with his most recent group—winter semester incoming freshman. Man I LOVE this kid …

AND 🧡 I think he looks great in orange.