Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Geoff's Birthday | 5.2017

It's my sweetheart's turn. This handsome guy is 51 today. I snapped this photo as he was headed out the door to work and I love how very telling it is. Geoff loves Jerry Garcia ties and chocolate breakfast smoothies. Between his role of physician and stake president, Geoff wears a tie nearly every day. And, most days he enjoys a chocolate shake for breakfast. I made this shake this morning, but Geoff generally makes his own and then gives the leftover shake to Addie, who let's him know exactly how it rates on the thickness scale! Notice too that Geoff's iPhone is in his shirt pocket. This guy does a whole lot with his phone. He stays on top of both roles mentioned above and loves to read news articles and church talks, and listen to podcasts and audio books. He rocks the voice recording features for text messages and emails--probably because he has been dictating doctor's notes for years--and he is lightening fast on Google. Geoff likes to be in the know. He reads and researches almost non-stop, which means he (almost) always has the right answer if not a very informed opinion. For the past three years, Geoff has traveled with me to Salt Lake City for the RootsTech conference. This past February, when we were there, he recorded a special memory he has of his mom. We found out last week that this story would be published on the new Story Mic podcast. I think this is a perfect thing to share on Geoff Day, because listening to this 3-minute clip will tell you a great deal about who my husband is and why! Click HERE to visit the podcast page or just listen below. 

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My Believer Geoff Julian on the Story Mic podcast

See? Good stuff.
I love this guy ❤️