Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Picture this. We're headed out the door this morning, Addie and I and she suddenly turns and says, "Are you going to do that thing where you buy us all pajamas and put them in those boxes so we can open them on Christmas Eve?"
Me: I am. I do this every year. Do you know why?
Addie: No.
Me, bursting into ill-sung song, "TRADITION, Tradition!" 

To say I startled Addie with this response is an understatement. She burst into laughter which as we pulled out of the driveway grew uncontrollable. I of course, continued to sing and maybe even shimmy a little! We paused in the driveway long enough for me to say ...

Hey Siri ... play the song Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof

and after about 20 seconds, Tevye bursts out singing and Addie begins to understand the origin of my crazy outbreak. Naturally, I've been humming this tune off and on all day, and subsequently thinking about traditions. 

Here's the video if you need to refresh yourself or IF you weren't born yet and have no idea to what I'm referring, ha! Note: I actually remember my mother coming home from the movie theater and telling me all about this movie. That's how old I am, and just so you don't have to click on the Wikipedia link above, that was 1971—yikes!

Back to the whole point of this post. Traditions. Why do I do them? Well, its like Tevya says, "Because of our traditions, we've kept our balance for many, many years." He goes on to say that because of our traditions, every one of us knows who he is and what God expects him to do. Traditions create constants among so much change. They help us celebrate the people, places and things that we most want to hold on to and honor as life speeds on. 

Here's hoping my Christmas jammies arrive soon!